While I could start with what I did for the project, that would be near nothing and nothing demonstrable, so I am going to leave that there for the moment and go into why I missed last weeks two posts. The following is more of a rant and can safely be ignored from the prospective of the game, but it will be useful to me remembering why I missed a whole week.
Over the weekend when I made the last set of posts, I was starting to notice little red lines on my screen and did not know what it was. As the weekend grew into early that week, the amount of lines grew and horizontal green lines started forming before my screen just went black. So I had to order a new video card, killing whatever progress I was going to make that week, so I did not feel bad missing that Friday post. I spent much of that Friday night into Saturday morning putting the new card in the computer. Since I figured I had Sunday, I was not in a real hurry to get much done Saturday. Then Sunday came and I was needed to go plant shopping and till some of the gardens. So I had nothing done Sunday, hoping to do something for a surprise Monday night post. Well Monday did not progress as I hoped, leaving me little to post for the whole three-day weekend. I had a state exam in the middle of last week and since then I have been a little relaxed, enjoying not having anything looming over me for the time being. Thus I have little to show but a mile of excuses, but when does life really work out how one plans it?
Well, hopefully this weekend and next week will be better. O, and sorry for the late post,
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