19 November 2011

Questioning how it is this time of week already

While I have full faith in all of my electronics, especially since they all say the same day and I do not think anyone would go through the trouble of changing all of my electronics to be a day or two fast for a practical joke, it must be time to review the previous week.  I made a little bit of progress in a few of the 3D modeling tutorials I have been working on, though nothing real concrete to show.  I really do not want to show off something which is not finished do, for now at least, I have no pictures to show.  Hopefully I can scrap something together since pictures give me something nice to show.

Since there was nothing to show with modeling, I am moving on to the programming aspect.  Again there was nothing show off, which I was really hoping to have out at this time.  Life has kept me fairly busy, so much so I lost a day somewhere in the last week.  The plus is, while I did not really make any forward progress with the #D shooter tutorial, I did open Visual Studios.  This may not sound like a lot but I have not really had the head to open that program in a few weeks.  So I began to look over my XML problem before seeing just how much of a pain it is going to be.  While most of the sections are compatible between TinyXML and RapidXML, or at least the environment and camera sections, the terrain is another story.  Not only does the XML parser I am using read it a completely different way, the option do not line up at all (I mean I do not think one of the names is the same).  What does this mean?  I need to go into the tutorial's XML parser, figure out where it sends the various bits of data, find the equivalent in the other parser and then format the data so the new parser can read it.  I may try a level design program and see if that helps next week if I cannot crack this problem this weekend.

Hopefully more to come over the next few weeks as life settles down a bit, at least I am hoping life does.

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