Look a picture! Actually it is not that impressive since I cannot think of when I would need a meat grinder in a video game outside of a scene in a deli or supermarket. But if the need ever arose, I do have the perfect item for it. Actually, in my opinion, it looks a little cartoon-y, and could probably be helped with a better background, I am still learning how to best frame items. I mostly made it because I wanted something to show and it had been a while since my last picture. I had been working on the mech, but the process of UV mapping over twenty thousand faces is going to take some time. Also I have started on a second 3D modeling program, just picking up the basics, but the more I learn the more marketable this all may become. My problem with the new program is it is a lot more artsy than the one I had been using and low poly is more or less non-existent in that program, but it is capable of rendering extremely photo-realistic images. So the trade-off is while completely unusable for the game I am making, it may prove useful in future exploits.
Now, on to what should be my main focus. Since the Shoo 'Em Up tutorial was in utter chaos from trying various ways of merging the two systems together, I am in the process of restarting the tutorials. This was the easiest option since I only got to the second tutorial. So no progress there really, outside of making a whole new project to repeat what I thought I had done but royally messed up. But there is a bright spot, not in the previous bits but in the fact I continues with the network programming book and made a program which returned the IP address of a given website. That may not sound like much, and actually the program was not very intense, but what was key was that I completely understood the entire program. The next couple of programs in the book are a server and a client so that should be fun to get together.
Finally, a small change has been made to the Progress page changing when I think I will start coding the actual game from late November to mid December. I am trying to be honest, but life has a way of making a liar out of me. So I hope for a little forward progress next time.
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