29 September 2012

Fooling Around

I know that us not the most productive thing to do, but it does help to learn the software.  I had a few ideas I was going to ty to get done for this post, but none of them occurred.  The first was a sci-fi robot, which might still happen to get some experience making sci-fi models.  The next was a garage scene.  I do not have it entirely mapped out in my head, unlike most projects, but it seemed like it might be a cool backdrop for future works.The former is barely started as I could not find a decent image of the robot I was looking for, but the latter is in a bit better shape.  I have the floors and walls looking how I want them and I am now working on the first piece to sell that is is really a garage and not just a back alley.  In addition to making some of my future images look more interesting, I am also playing with the texturing.  I am using free, pre-made textures instead of trying to reinvent the wheel like I was the last time I was trying to texture items.  These already made textures also help since they are of a very high quality.

Hopefully I can get something to picture by the next post.  Until then,

24 September 2012

A very long week at work

I hate to use work as an excuse for anything but the company I work for is running us shorthanded which really took a toll on me.  I got almost nothing done last week since I was too tired to do anything after work and slept so well, that I had almost no time in the morning to do anything.  This tiredness continued into the weekend where I slept a good deal of Saturday.  While I did not actually get to make any progress on any of mu projects, I did watch quite a few tutorials over the weekend.  Unfortunately, these tutorials were all that I had the strength and time to do.  Also, I may be coming down with a cold which would mean even less productivity, unless I took a day which I would probably use to only work on my modeling - though this is highly unlikely.  Well, until next time,

16 September 2012

A very long week and a very short weekend

Sorry for not posting anything on Friday, I just was too tired and really had nothing to say.  Though it is not like I have that much more to say at the moment.  Trying to get back into the swing of things at work and it is very tiring at the moment.  Hopefully I will get into a routine or switch occupations (which is what I would really like) leaving me a little more time to fool around with modeling.

Now, I did do some things towards learning to model better.  Primarily, I watched how a handful of cubes and cylinders with few extrusions can becoming something very sci-fi like.  I am probably going to try a sci-fi spaceship scene before returning back to work on the project - in addition to the well and subway scene.  Everything else will be on the back burner until those three scenes are done.  Then hopefully I can start getting a few tank prototypes started and the project will really be moving.

After watching the sci-fi scene tutorial, I have come to the realization I need to watch more sci-fi in space shows.  While what I am doing does not really need to be in space, much of the artistic details can be seen in outer space science fiction with exposed wires, fused and vents.  So I am hoping to get a little time to watch some programs along those lines before starting to work on the tanks - just in case anone was wondering why I was pushing them off so far.  Until next time,

09 September 2012

A little distracted

At the moment, I have quite a few things going on so progress will be a little slow for a little while.  Hopefully in a week or two my life will settle into a regular flow.  Then I will know when I can work on my project, as well as the other scenes I was doing.  Between changing shifts, a new phone and my new video game that I am examining to see how a professional makes a 3D model, my life will be fairly full without everything else.  At the moment that is my excuse and I am going to stick to it until life settles into a rhythm.  I did begin work on a hangar for the game, though it is still only in the blocking out stage so it is not much to look at.  Hope everyone has a good week,

08 September 2012

Work in Progress: Subway Scene (Part I)

Not much done this week, mostly because my work switched shifts and I am trying to find time to do things again.  That being said, I found time to try a new tutorial, with the modeling result to the left.  The goal of his exercise was to show how a complex scene could be created using just a few models, which are repeated along a curve.  While the modeling is not completely done, most of the detail is, leaving only a few minor details to be taken care of.  Once those details are added, I will probably post one more black and white image with proper lighting - at least how it will be lit for the final render. Once that is done, I will start adding materials to each of the objects.  Hopefully this will be a very quick scene to put together but come out very nice looking.  Hope everyone has a good weekend,

03 September 2012

Nothing to Show

I know I could have went back and started working on one of the previously posted projects, but I really wanted to test out the glass material.  Unfortunately, in the scene I was trying to render, a red, lit candle inside a dark blue glass holder, the holder would not render and I cannot figure out why.  That was what I spent most of Friday and Saturday playing with, and while not extremely productive, it would have been neat.  My main purpose for this was eventually adding the candles to the well scene, adding just that little extra bit of detail.  Until I figure out why the holder did not render though, the only two candles will be inside the lanterns - something I have not gotten to yet.

The other thing I made was something a little more game inspired.  I made a large open-metal tower.  It is kind of hard to describe as I do not know the technical name, but it is a four-sided tower with thick metal poles at the vertical corners, horizontal braces at regular intervals and thinner braces connecting the two.  I do not think I can use it in game since it has way too may faces - almost 4300 for just the tower, not even anything connected or on top - but it was fun to see how something could be made using just a small fraction then mirroring and repeating.  Until next time,

01 September 2012

One very fast week

I do not know if work was exceedingly tiring or what, but the previous week does not seem like I even had free time to do anything.  Today I managed to play a bit with the glass rendering in the new rendering engine, but that is really all I got around to doing.  Hopefully I have more to show for the next post.

One thing I have been considering is what scale to work in, since for some reason it seems all 3D modeling programs are much smaller than game engines.  Most likely it is going to be one of the following one-eighth, one-sixteenth, or one-thirty-second.  Mu fear with one-thirty-second is that it is going to be too hard o detail anything one something that small.  On the other hand, some larger buildings may pose a problem when trying to measure that in only one-eighth scale.  My guess is that will be decided when I complete the first model or two   Well, that is about all for now,