07 January 2013

Happy 2013

I was hoping to have a lot done for this post, but not much happened.  I have been feeling a little off for a few days, and now I think it is in full blown cold mode.  Hopefully, I will be able to work through this, but I am not sure how much extra I am going to get done on these projects.  Most of my time has been devoted to seeing how real world examples handle details, so playing video games, and learning more about post=processing of images, also known as watching tutorials.  I was going to do a few, but with whatever I have, I just cannot get everything straight in my head.  This is also why I have not worked on that one nearly finished project.  I do not want to put a bunch of work into it, then look at it later and decide I do not like the direction I took it.

Hopefully this bug clears up and I can get back to normal, with perhaps a surprise or two in the future.  Until next time,

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