12 August 2012

I really need to find where my weekends go

So another weekend passed and I am left trying t figure out what I did during it.  I suppose I should be use to very short weekends by now, but it never ceases to amaze me just how fast they fly by when the week seems to drag on forever.  But I always have been bad at judging time and that is not what this post is about despite the title.

I have begun work on a little distraction, nothing big just something to have a bit of fun with, though I am leaving it at that until I have something to show in case that project goes nowhere.  I have also began a game-relevant tutorial which I am hoping will make one or more of my meshes when all is said and done.  Again, I will have more when the project is further along, but that should be within the next week.

And finally, I am looking at engines again.  I found one that has a royalty-free license until distribution, so I will write more about that once I get it installed and running.  Hope every had a good weekend,

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