24 March 2012


I apologize, life has been really hectic of late.  I really want to do things for this game, I just do not really have the time.  I am know I have said in a few of the previous posts, I am hoping that life calms down in a bit so that I can begin making progress once more.  For the meanwhile, I am just making small little projects (not getting very far with most of them) just to keep practicing with 3D modeling.  Of course, I find it a great stress reliever also.

Since I have made so little progress, I will share one of my little projects I have been working on.  It is still very far from being anywhere near where I want it to be, but I feel bad I am not making any progress for what seems like forever.  Right now I am calling it "The Church."  I am not really working off any image or floor plan, so I am not completely sure where this is going to go.  It started with just wanting to make an arch.  With the arch done, I decided to put it on a pillar.  I began to duplicate them and realized it looked kind of like the side of a church.  So I decided to duplicate the one side and add some pews in the middle.  That is where it stands now, hopefully it will look cool when I finish.  Also, I am hoping by next time to have one or two of the models for the military base map started.

Have a nice weekend and again, sorry this is late,

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