06 May 2013

Work in Progress: Little Aviator Exercise (Part I)

Last week was really hectic, though work should be calming down now.  I know I keep saying that, but this time I think it will be true.  Being busy I did not work on anything for the game, which I find a little disappointing, but I do have a little something to show for the week.

This is my little aviator   One of the sites I frequent for tutorials gave a turn around set as a modeling exercise and I decided to run with it.  I have everything below the belt pretty much finished while most of his upper body is only blocked out.  I do plan on adding some extra details, time permitting, like stitching to the pockets and patches in the jeans.  I know this is far from done, but I think in recent months I have been a little paranoid of showing off works which are not 100% finished when showing them would show how my abilities on a 3D model have improved.

Hopefully I can finish this model before the deadline but there was only two weeks given between the release of the modeling sheet and when the tutorial is going to come out.  Who knows what the next post may bring?  Until then,

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