25 February 2012


That about sums up the previous week.  I could go into more but I do no think I have enough time before the next post to explain why I am so rushed from the previous week.  Project, test, overtime.  That is the short end of it.  But I know you really do not care about that, you want to know more about that game I had almost no time to work on, last week I was literally only home to sleep.  While that sounds like I would get nothing done, that is not completely true.  I made one complete sketch and am about two-thirds done with the second.  The first sketch is the layout for the split-level house I am thinking about making.  The second is a larger two-story house.  Hopefully they will be that much easier since I already laid everything out, of course it never works like that for me.  Hopefully I can get something done this weekend, though the project is due during the weekend and the test is next week, so time is really stretched thin.

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