22 July 2011

Modules 1: Projectiles

While progress has been slow learning Ogre, my fault for not having enough to to just fool around, I decided I should get to posting something. Since I already went over the basic user interface and the layout I am using for the different tanks, next on the list would be items to customize the tanks. The goal is to make a large group of modules so that the game is very customizable. Since my plan is to include a truly large amount, I decided to break the modules into several different groups. This post will cover lasers and different items to add onto the laser for improved performance.

All tanks have a laser as a primary weapon. The standard laser is the normal, though some tanks, especially in the matches with the tanks already equipped, come already upgraded. Lasers are infinite as long as the tank has battery power remaining. Lasers do cause heat, usually proportional to damage, and a gauge on the user interface shows a warning when near overheating or when the tank has overheated. Other uses of this gauge specific to individual laser types are discussed with the laser type. One and only one of the following must be equipped at all times on the tank.
* Standard Laser: This is the normal weapon pre-equipped on almost all tanks. It is light damage but very quick and fairly cool. This takes up one module, usually already equipped on the tank.
* Improved laser: This weapon is a little better than the standard laser in terms of damage, but has a slightly slower firing rate and overheats a little faster. This takes up two modules on the tank.
* High-power Laser: This weapon deals much more damage than the standard laser, but fires slower and overheats faster than the improved laser. This takes up two modules on the tank.
* Shield Disrupting Laser: Since shields are created by energy fields, this laser fires a beam with an wave pattern that interferes with the shield-energy's wave function. Because of this high specificity to shields, it temporarily knocks shields off-line until the shield can be recharged, but does less damage to enemy tanks then the standard laser. This laser has a similar firing speed and heat generated as the standard laser. This takes up two modules on the tank.
* Pulse Laser: This weapon emits a beam with such high power that the beam actually scatters, causing damage to nearby enemy tanks as well. Not only does this deal damage, but the power of this beam causes a small electromagnetic pulse to follow the laser splash damage. This pulse causes damage to the electrical functionality of enemy tanks, particular in their ability to store energy in batteries. Because of the volume of energy needed for a pulse this size, this laser charges up, visible to the user by the filling of the display that usually shows the laser's temperature. Once full this laser can be fired, the charging time negates the importance heat build-up, but makes this laser very slow firing. Unlike all other lasers, this laser will not stop until it hits something or comes to the edge of the map. This takes up two modules on the tank.

Laser Add-ons:
In addition to the aforementioned lasers, there are several different additions available to make the laser, a weapon usually of secondary importance, very viable. Please note that distance and power modifiers may stacks. All items may be add only once unless otherwise specified. All or none may be equipped at any one time.
* Thermal Imaging Detector: This devices helps lock onto enemy tanks. It takes up one module.
* Sniper Barrel and Scope: This adds the functionality of a scope to the user, enabling a zoom of up to 16 times. Additionally this doubles the range of most lasers. This takes up one module.
* Second Laser Mount: Decreases time between firing by two since it adds a second laser for most lasers. The Pulse laser adds a divider in the indicator, enabling the firing of two pulses near simultaneous. The Pulse laser, unlike other lasers, has no reduction in firing time. This needs as many modules as the original laser (one for standard, two for any other).
* Increased Power Transformer: This increases the power of the laser as well as the maximum firing distance. Heat build up is increased when this is equipped. This slightly reduces the charging time on the Pulse laser. This takes up one modules.
* Liquid nitrogen Laser Cooling System: To prevent the initial buildup of heat, a generator pumps liquid nitrogen at the same time the laser is being fired. A gauge is shown on the user interface over the laser heat gauge. This item may be doubled to double the cooling capacity. If equipped with a Second Laser Mount, two are installed each time for up to four total. This does nothing if the pulse laser is equipped. This takes one module per system, for up to four if two are installed with a second laser mount.

Hope this gives some insight into laser functionality and module consumption. Next time will probably be missiles, with items like mines and shields in future posts. Also I am hoping to have a test run in ogre with a model I made, though that may be a little further off than missiles.


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