11 February 2012

Work in Progress: Ranch-style House (Part II)

 To the right is the completed model for the ranch-style house.  As you can see if is on a similar angle as the post for Part I.  This angle is good for two reasons, the first being I only need two shots to show off most of the house.  As you will notice, the area next to the large window in the recess has a door which is not visible from this angle which is why a third shot is included this week.  The other reason this angle is nice is because the light catches most of the edges on an angle like this where it does not catch it as nicely when the model is viewed straight into the camera.  This is why most of the pictures of the buildings have been on similar angles, besides the fact it makes the models easy to compare to one another.
 While I say the modeling is done, I am only at 855 faces, not that it really needs more than that, but there are several detailing items I would like to add. The first is a small amount of trim on the corner of the house which is a very small change, though one which I think when textured will make a lot of difference.  I also think that three or four lights would improve the look of the overall exterior.  One light against the back of the house by the backdoor, one next to the front door and either one over or two next to the garage door.  There are also a few exterior models I would like, that would really complete the look of the building.  A can for garbage and recycling for the side of the house and an air conditioning unit for the large blank space on the back wall.
To the left is just the third angle which shows the door.  It will probably take me a little while to get around to making all of the changes I would like to on the model.  Life has become very hectic.  The next few months in particular will probably have much smaller 3D art posts in terms of how far done the model is.  Hopefully I will be able to find room to get a decent amount done, but these more divided posts about the same model is much more realistic.  For the moment that is as far into the future as I can see.  I have no clue what I am going to go over the next few posts since I have not really had time over last last week to do much.  So stay tuned and be as surprised at what I post as I am ehat I am working on.  Until Sunday,

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